Knjiga je dodata u korpuBook added to your cart:
Knjige u korpiBooks in your cart
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Edited by Ola Listhaug, Sabrina P. Ramet, Dragana Dulić
Central European University Press Budapest, 2011.
23 cm, 468 str.
tvrdi povez, latinica
ISBN: 9789639776982
"The contributors to this volume demonstrate how traditional, provincial and nationalist values, referred to as uncivic, still obstruct the European aspirations of the biggest republic of the former Yugoslavia. In that respect, the authors adopt an analytical approach to examine the impact of civic and uncivic values in a variety of Serbian societal and political contexts... It seems reasonable to assume that the book will be of interest to an audience beyond just academia. I most warmly recommend this volume as an extremely useful and engaging addition to the literature in the field." \ \ - International Affairs