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Scott Taylor
Douglas & Mclntyre Toronto, 2009.
23 cm, 374 str.
tvrdi povez, latinica
ISBN: 9781553652922
In September 2004, veteran Canadian journalist Scott Taylor was taken hostage in northern Iraq. While awaiting execution by beheading, he reflected on the events that had brought him to a torture chamber in a remote Iraqi village.\ Taylor’s recounting in Unembedded includes his experiences as a Canadian Forces infantryman, and as a front-line reporter investigating military affairs for the military magazine Esprit de Corps. His quest to see "the other side” has taken him to Africa and the former Yugoslavia, and to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in twenty-one trips before, during and after the U.S.-led invasion.\ In 1996, he co-authored the bestseller Tarnished Brass- Crime and Corruption in the Canadian Military. After being held as an Iraq hostage, Taylor returned to the country, and since then has resumed his role as an unembedded war correspondent in Afghanistan. In recognition of his ability to go beyond the jingoism of mainstream media, the Globe and Mail has dubbed him the "voice of the grunts.” With searing criticism, Taylor exposes the deceit of the politicians and media cheerleaders who are ultimately responsible for waging the senseless wars that cause so much needless suffering for innocent people.